Friday, September 28, 2007


For this post I'm going to do something different. I'm going to make it (by my standards) short.

Flickr is another one of those things I first heard of this past spring at Computers in Libraries. Shortly after the conference, in order to figure out a bit about it, I set up a Flickr account.

You can see it here: Joe's Flickr Account.

It seemed kind of like cheating, though, to use an account set up months ago for a current assignment. So a week or two ago I uploaded a bunch more photos and started adding captions, tags, etc. I've still got a ways to go before I finish all of this editorial work but there's still a lot here - about four and a half pages of photos. Some are pictures of family, others are pictures of my wife's sewing projects, others of my own assorted projects and, finally, there's a bunch of "around the house" photos. I've managed to create three sub-collections of pictures and would have made more except that you only get three for free.

This was another one of those assignments that was quite a lot of fun. If learning at school had been this much fun I might have stayed awake in class a bit more often.


Tom said...

Great pictures Joe.

Jeanie Pfefferkorn said...

Hey, Joe,
After chatting with you about your current project, it's wonderful to see the completed result--beautiful!!
Jeanie Pfefferkorn

fritzthekat said...

Your garden is quite lovely!! I, too, already had a Flickr account, but I felt no guilt about being that much closer to finishing my 23 Things!!